Following the success of the first edition, launched by the Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee in October 2020, the European Parliament will hold a second European Gender Equality Week from 25 to 28 October 2021.
During the week, several parliamentary committees and delegations will organise sessions addressing gender equality issues in their policy areas. Many initiatives will discuss gender equality and the socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how the recovery can be designed to protect women and promote gender equality. The Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee will hold a number of events, including a Conference on the Future of Europe side-event on ‘‘building an inclusive economy for women in the green and digital transformation’’ on Wednesday.
Speaking about the initiative, Women’s Rights Committee Chair Evelyn Regner (S&D, AT) said: “After the success of the first European Gender Equality Week in 2020, even more Committees and Delegations have joined for the second edition. This extremely positive development shows that achieving gender equality is a task we can only fulfil together. It is a cross-cutting issue touching on all aspects of life, and I strongly believe that if we stand together, we can help everyone achieve a better life! This is especially important in the post-pandemic recovery efforts and when implementing the lessons learned from this crisis. We now need to fulfil our promises for better working conditions, higher salaries, combating gender-based violence and so much more! Together, let’s make this second Gender Equality Week a success.”
The full agenda of the events proposed during the European Gender Equality Week can be found here and they can be followed live on the webstreaming platform of the European Parliament: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/cmsdata/241244/PROGRAMME%20OF%20GENDER%20EQUALITY%20WEEK%202021.%20Draft%2022.10.2021.pdf