The focus of W.I.S.E.4All – Women for Innovative Society in Europe is not only a matter of gender, rather a joint action for innovation, a participatory process that brings out ideas, suggestions and best practices towards a new cultural and social model
Observing the world from new points of view to find more sustainable and ethical solutions is the challenge of today.
WISE4ALL responds by structuring its work in a multidisciplinary way in order to apply lateral thinking to creativity and innovation. An initiative of co- creation and empowerment aimed at fostering the debate between technological and social innovation by engaging female opinion leaders in the discussion of digitalisation related topics.
The purpose of its new survey is to assess how, and to what extent, women entrepreneurs can contribute to the success of the European Green Deal, including climate and related environmental challenges. The specific focus is on women entrepreneurs in rural towns and communities, and women in agriculture in general. The information is being gathered as part of a European Call named WISE 4 Challenges (https://www.scom.eu/portfolio/wise4all/). Take the survey and help us find out more about the role of women entrepreneurs!
SP: https://forms.gle/c2aTW24sRpYJdAbbA
FR: https://forms.gle/B6HjGdgBDrj9PFdH8