Do you want to learn about women entrepreneurship and finance from the best woman (angel) investor in Europe? Join our webinar with Lurdes Gramaxo on Tuesday 27 April 2021.
In this WEGate webinar on April 27, Lurdes Gramaxo, European Woman Business Angel of the year and venture capitalist at Bynd.VC, will discuss the topic: “Becoming a women early stage investor, and investing in (women) entrepreneurs”. The webinar will be moderated by Jenny Tooth, CEO of UK Business Angels Association, and Claire Munck, CEO at BeAngels and Scalefund. This webinar is part of the WEGate “Access to Finance” webinar series.
More information about Mrs Lurdes, our keynote speaker, here: https://www.businessangelseurope.com/post/portuguese-lurdes-gramaxo-is-europe-s-female-angel-investor-of-the-year-2020
Date: Tuesday 27 April, 12h00-13h00 CET.