If you need tailored support and new partners in a specific sector, select the respective Sector Group of the Enterprise Europe Network here.
Business clusters are a concentration of specialised enterprises, suppliers and associated institutions that cooperate closely together in a particular location and field. In working together, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can be more innovative, create more jobs and register more international trademarks and patents than they would alone. The EU Cluster Portal provides tools and information on key European initiatives, actions and events for clusters and their SMEs with the aim of creating more world-class clusters across the European Union (EU).
The European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) is a web-based platform that facilitates cluster cooperation within and beyond Europe. It currently counts over 900 registered cluster organisations, enabling them to exchange experiences and identify potential partners for transnational cooperation benefiting their SME members. The Platform has also signed a number of Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) with partners in Japan, India, Brazil, South Korea, Tunisia, Morocco, Mexico, and Chile establishing a framework for long-term cooperation between the Platform and peer organisations in non-EU countries, facilitating the exchange of information on cluster mapping.
The EU cluster portal is available in all official EU languages, while the other two websites are available in English